Our Services

Geotechnical Engineering

Geoporte has significant expertise and experience in geotechnical engineering services. We provide a comprehensive full-service solution tailored to meet your project-specific planning and design related challenges.

Our team can effectively deliver projects such as: 

Detailed Design

Geotechnical and geological interpretation

Retaining structures (water, building & transport infrastructure)

Slope stability assessment, remediation, and stabilisation

Earthworks and Landfill

Landslide identification and mitigation measures

Foundation design – Shallow and Deep Foundations

Rail formation and related earthworks

Waterway bank stability assessments

Roads and

Dams and Levees

Ports and Marine

Ground Improvement

Working Together as One Team!

We believe in a One Team approach and work closely with our clients to understand their needs by putting ourselves in their shoes. Our vast experience of working with a range of clients and on diverse set of projects across the globe provide us with the unique skills and experience to help develop out of the box solutions as part of our client’s team.